Inner Child Masterclass

Learn about how your Inner Child impacts you and how to connect with them

Course Summary


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Charlotte Mather Hypno-Coach

Hi, I'm Charlotte and I'm about to take you on a journey that started in a lifeless corporate office.

I spent a whopping 15 years trudging through the icy corporate world, where clocking in endless hours felt as invigorating as watching paint dry. Sound familiar?
I knew there had to be more to life than this. I needed purpose and meaning, I wanted to help others. I waved goodbye to the finance world and embraced a path of healing others. It all started with my Reiki training—a modality I believed would sprinkle magic over lives.  However, I realised that my clients weren't getting the deep subconscious shifts with just this one modality.

Financially, because I didn't have a range of modalities that worked at all levels (including deep within the subconscious), that could help a wide variety of clients, I found myself in feast and famine.

The thing is I was convinced that fulfilment and purpose would be in helping people but the truth is I still had bills to pay and wanted to transform lives.  Thankfully in a powerful plot twist, I discovered the grand master of transformation—HYPNOTHERAPY.  It felt like I had found the holy grail of healing!  The client results straight off were PHENOMENAL and word spread FAST!

Before I knew it I had a full diary of clients and became an expert in my field.

I paid off my debts and grew my business to six figures in less than 3 years.

Why am I sharing this? Not to brag, but to light a fire under your dreams. If I can seamlessly blend hypnotherapy into an existing healing practice, transform lives, and create a business that makes my heart sing, guess what?...

You can too
. Imagine the fusion of your expertise with the magic of hypnotherapy—magnifying the impact, inspiring astonishing breakthroughs, and propelling you towards your six-figure dreams. The journey is inviting. The magic is real.

John Smith


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

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Inner Child Masterclass


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