
Receive a monthly Hypnosis Audio to create the best version of you without limits

Start reprogramming your subconscious mind today

If you desire more confidence, less self-sabotage, increased self-belief and a greater sense of personal well-being then you are in the right place. Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist Charlotte Mather will send you a high-quality and extremely effective Hypnosis each month for you to listen to in the comfort of your own home. These audios are a powerful way to reprogramme your subconscious mind to help you to achieve your goals and dreams.

Charlotte Mather Hypno-Coach

Hi, I'm Charlotte and I'm about to take you on a journey that started in a lifeless corporate office.

I spent a whopping 15 years trudging through the icy corporate world, where clocking in endless hours felt as invigorating as watching paint dry. Sound familiar?
I knew there had to be more to life than this. I needed purpose and meaning, I wanted to help others. I waved goodbye to the finance world and embraced a path of healing others. It all started with my Reiki training—a modality I believed would sprinkle magic over lives.  However, I realised that my clients weren't getting the deep subconscious shifts with just this one modality.

Financially, because I didn't have a range of modalities that worked at all levels (including deep within the subconscious), that could help a wide variety of clients, I found myself in feast and famine.

The thing is I was convinced that fulfilment and purpose would be in helping people but the truth is I still had bills to pay and wanted to transform lives.  Thankfully in a powerful plot twist, I discovered the grand master of transformation—HYPNOTHERAPY.  It felt like I had found the holy grail of healing!  The client results straight off were PHENOMENAL and word spread FAST!

Before I knew it I had a full diary of clients and became an expert in my field.

I paid off my debts and grew my business to six figures in less than 3 years.

Why am I sharing this? Not to brag, but to light a fire under your dreams. If I can seamlessly blend hypnotherapy into an existing healing practice, transform lives, and create a business that makes my heart sing, guess what?...

You can too
. Imagine the fusion of your expertise with the magic of hypnotherapy—magnifying the impact, inspiring astonishing breakthroughs, and propelling you towards your six-figure dreams. The journey is inviting. The magic is real.

I've been looking into meditation and hypnosis to help with anxiety and depression. Honestly, this was the first time that I have felt tangibly affected. By the time you said 6 o'clock, I had a feeling of weightlessness and pure peace.

Wow, so effective.  I'm really surprised. Normally I can't concentrate to follow the hypnosis, I've got too many things in my head at once. But this one did the magic.

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