Introduction to Hypnosis:
Free 3 day training

Discover the life-changing tool of transformation to elevate your practice and skyrocket your income

05 JUNE 2024 WEDNESDAY, 12:30 PM BST

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Join us for an exciting and interactive training and experience Hypnosis for yourself

Learn Hypnotherapy


Join our Free 3-Day Hypnosis Training and discover the transformative power of hypnosis.  

Empower Your Practice, Elevate Your Impact

Are you ready to:
  • Command Higher Fees with Confidence: Learn advanced hypnosis techniques that set you apart in the coaching and healing industry. Mastering these skills will enable you to offer unparalleled value, allowing you to confidently charge premium rates for your services.
  • Achieve Outstanding Client Transformations: Equip yourself with powerful hypnosis tools to create profound and lasting changes in your clients' lives. Witness their transformations as you help them overcome deep-seated blocks and achieve their goals faster and more effectively.
  • Boost Your Referral Rates: Delivering remarkable results will naturally increase your word-of-mouth referrals. As your clients experience significant breakthroughs, they will eagerly recommend your services to others, driving more business your way.

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Ignite Your Mind: Explore the Power of Hypnotherapy 

What's coming up in the masterclass:

Hypnotherapy Unmasked: No boring stuff here! We'll show you what hypnotherapy is all about, busting myths and revealing all

Hypnotic Wonders (No Chickens Involved!): Learn about mind-blowing hypnotic phenomena that'll leave you amazed without any chicken clucking!

Life-Changing Magic: Discover how hypnotherapy can transform lives, helping people break free and achieve the impossible including a successful business

Interactive Hypnosis Demo: Prepare to be wowed as we demonstrate the  magic of hypnosis with a powerful journey into your own subconscious 

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Your Host - Charlotte Mather

Meet Charlotte, a dynamic Clinical Hypnotherapist and the visionary Principal of Axiom Academy.

Charlotte is driven by a fascination with the untapped power of the mind. She is dedicated to unlocking people's full potential and helping them thrive. Her specialty is breaking down barriers, empowering individuals to overcome obstacles and embrace success.  

Combining therapeutic expertise with coaching skills, Charlotte offers a fresh approach to her practice. As an experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist, she expertly taps into the mind's vast potential for positive transformation.

Charlotte is passionate about supporting others in achieving their dreams and making lasting changes in their lives. With the right resources and unwavering dedication, she guides them on their journey to a better future.

When she’s not teaching hypnotherapy, Charlotte channels her passion into running a highly successful global hypnotherapy business.  

Unlock your potential and embrace positive change under Charlotte's compassionate guidance at Axiom Academy. Your transformation awaits!

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About Axiom Academy

At Axiom Academy of Clinical Hypnotherapy, we believe the mind has no limits.

We believe anyone can become a powerful healer, and that learning hypnotherapy is the best way to create a ripple effect of healing in the world.

We work tirelessly to ensure our trainings are thorough and effective. We want you to enjoy learning about hypnotherapy and feel like it's an adventure. More importantly, we want you to leave our courses feeling confident in your ability to help those who need it most.  

Our mission is to create a ripple effect of healing. We know there are people who want to change their lives or start a new career as hypnotherapists but don’t know where to begin.  

That's why we're here: to help you create a new future for yourself and your loved ones.

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I really loved Charlotte’s teaching style.  Relaxed, confident, funny and of course, knowledgeable and passionate about her subject.  Charlotte’s personality shines through making me feel relaxed.  Charlotte has a natural way to make people feel important and capable, patient and light hearted.  Charlotte is so passionate about her subject and welcomes sharing her knowledge to help others succeed.  I always felt relaxed and really looked forward to the teaching sessions.  

Susan Thompson
Manifestation Coach

I highly recommend this training!
I started my Diploma in January and made my course fees back by month 5 - it’s awesome! The results I am getting with my clients is mind-blowing - literally!! I have finally found what it is I was born to do and it feels amazing! Charlotte is fantastic at what she does, her passion is evident and the sessions are structured in a way that makes it easy to learn but also allows time for discussion. My advice to anyone considering this - is just do it 

Helen Hannah
Transformation Coach

I took Charlottes course at the end of last year and loved every minute.

Charlotte is a great teacher, explaining things in a clear and visual way (with her love of metaphors!) that makes it easy to digest and understand. She's authentic and true to herself too which is important in a teacher.

Charlotte gave her all to the course I took and I've recommended her to a few of my friends. 

Lou Hynes
Career Crossroads Coach